Book and Affirmation Deck Bundle


Purchase Becoming a Kingdom Confident Woman in 30 Days and Thou Art Beautiful Affirmation Deck as a bundle and save money.



Purchase Becoming a Kingdom Confident Woman in 30 Days and Thou Art Beautiful Affirmation Deck as a bundle and save money.

Becoming a Kingdom Confident Woman in 30 Days

Are you bound by the lies that were spoken over you from childhood? Or, imprisoned by the tormenting memories of your past? Are you too afraid to take that big leap of faith and start that business, change careers or simply follow your dreams?

If you are tired of the life you are living and ready to experience the abundance that God has promised you, then THOU ART BEAUTIFUL IS FOR YOU. As you absorb this text, you will build your self-image and realign your vision, so that you can boost your self-confidence and reclaim every blessing that God has for you!

Thou Art Beautiful Affirmation Deck

The Bible instructs us to, “speak those things that be not as though they were” (Romans 4:17). The power to transform your situation lies in the words that you speak over your life.

According to Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Now is the time for us to start walking in our God-given authority and begin to speak God’s perfect will over our lives!